The Referee lights at a powerlifting meet need to be three things.... Reliable, Reliable, and RELIABLE!
As an IPF Referee for 20+ years, I've seen lot of light systems. Wireless is very hot these days, great idea, but I have yet to see one that works instantly, every time. Line of sight problems, switch batteries go dead, whatever. Fancy systems from the IPF also, using software and a computer screen to show the "lights". Great, until it stopped working. Not to mention the 900 Euro price.
The one wireless system we do like is the DRL system, but it's $1199, plus the cost of a display monitor.
There's just nothing as reliable as an old fashioned wired system. ER Canada's lights will work, every time (barring a broken bulb).
- 50 feet of cable for each switch
- wired to IPF specs, no lights come on until all switches are flipped one way or the other
- sturdy plywood construction
- commercial grade vinyl covering (the same used on guitar amps and similar)
- protective corners and aluminum edge moulding
- all cables fit inside the back of the case.
- front panel hinges open for easy bulb replacement.
- standard white bulbs are used, easily replaced (60 watt LED equivalent)
- carry strap on top.
- tripod hole on the bottom, fits standard size PA system stands available at music stores for $40 - $50
- usually have at least one on hand, but if not, its 2 or 3 day for construction.
These are a homemade style device, not certified.